Hopital Americain

Adresse :

63 boulevard Victor Hugo
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

Informations :

Maternité niveau 1

Description :

« Founded in 1906, the American Hospital of Paris is a not-for-profit hospital providing world-class medical and surgical care. Founded in 1906, the American Hospital of Paris has been offering the highest quality of care for more than 100 years. In 1913, an act of the U.S. Congress app…roved the creation of the American Hospital of Paris and granted it federal status. In 1918, to thank the hospital for services rendered to wartime France, the French government recognized the American Hospital of Paris as an “institution of public benefit” and issued a decree authorizing it to receive donations. We now offer care in 100+ specialties and subspecialties. Our 300+ physicians and surgeons are on a liberal practice. They are authorized to practice at the American Hospital of Paris after completing a stringent selection process guaranteeing their level of skill and experience. We employ 800+ staff, including 400+ healthcare and paramedical employees. In 1918, to thank the hospital for services rendered to wartime France, the French government recognized the American Hospital of Paris as an “institution of public benefit” and issued a decree authorizing it to receive donations. We now offer care in 100+ specialties and subspecialties. Our 300+ physicians and surgeons are on a liberal practice. They are authorized to practice at the American Hospital of Paris after completing a stringent selection process guaranteeing their level of skill and experience. We employ 800+ staff, including 400+ healthcare and paramedical employees.

Activités :
Court séjour, Médecine, Chirurgie, Obstétrique / Gynécologie, Maternité de niveau 1 (suivi des grossesses ne présentant aucun risque)

Équipements :
Scanner (ou tomodensitomètre), Imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM), Salle de radiologie vasculaire, Caméra à scintillation (ou gamma-caméra), Tomographe à émission de positons (TEP) ou caméra TEP ou Pet Scan »

Source : Facebook.

Horaires :

Horaires non renseignés.

Localisation :

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